Charter Day 2020 – in pictures

Just a short post to mark Charter Day, our first event of the year, and to thank everyone who took part. We always say that Charter Day is a pretty modest affair, simply because the weather isn’t very reliable this time of year, and we don’t want to keep our supporters out in the cold for too long. So, as usual, this year’s event was all squeezed into 2 hours of outdoor entertainment in Market Square courtesy of the Ironmen and Severn Gilders morris dancers, along with the arrival of the 1244 charter (thanks Josh and Sophie) and the convening of the Court Leet to appoint our town officials. We’re very grateful to Gareth Bellamy for his photos, available via Love Wellington on facebook, and the front page coverage in the Shropshire Star. My photos are less impressive in contrast, but my excuse is that I was busy taking part!

This year’s messenger, Josh, is someone I occassionally work with as a facilitator at workshops. We were working in Newcastle recently and I noticed how loudly he was addressing his table. ‘He’d make a great medieval herald,’ I thought, and that was all it took! He lives in Birmingham and brought his mum and girlfriend along for the ride, so they all got to see Wellington looking it’s jolly, costumed-best.

Fast-forwarding about 500 years in 30 minutes, our next bit of street theatre was the convening of the Court Leet. This year’s court comprised Mistress Hannah representing the market traders, Master Preston representing the brewers, Farmer John representing the yeomen, and Mayor Anthony Lowe representing the great unwashed. Their job was to appoint three town officials for the year ahead: clerk of the market Crispin Barker, ale taster Jerry Baily and our new town crier, 21 year-old Liam McGrath. As the Shropshire Star reported, there was a brief drama when it emerged that his costume was locked in the town council offices – and it was only liberated with 10 minutes to spare. Phew.

Then, finally, it was off to The Pheasant in Market Street for the judging of the Tart of the Town Contest – whichn was won by past winner Lynn Manville, otherwise known as ‘Tea with Rosie’ – you can book her catering skills for your family events! Well done, Lynn.

mayor tart tasting